Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Fun and Cool Teen Products

Sleep, sleep, sleep, do you ever get enough? My teenagers sleep so much that it drives me crazy....but I know you must need it. Forget the cell phone and invest in a fun alarm clock. It will work for you at home but more importantly it can help train you for college where sleeping through an alarm can kill, and I mean, kill or destroy the GPA. Believe me, the day you sleep through the alarm is the day you have a test or a paper due and unfortunately for you, college professors have heard it all from the excuse bank. And girls...the tears do not always work. Yes, guys the tears still do work sometimes.

I do not make or sell these so you are getting a recommendation straight from me. The Banpresto Dangerbomb Alarm clock http://www.acgears.com/ warns you to GET OUT OF BED with a ticking sound and you need to quickly unplug the right wire of a deafening explosion sounds. How is that for incentive? Then there is the Flying Alarm clock http://www.thinkgeek.com/ that starts off with a siren sound and sends a mini helicopter up to 8 feet in the air. But you need to catch it, grab the key to shut off the siren. Better check with the roommate!

Lastly, girls, you look so cute in these yacht hats. You can be eco-conscious and cute because http://www.hatattack.com/ has cute yacht hats made with, you guessed it, organic cotton.

Great diet tip for everyone-Orville Redenbacher's Natural Lime and Salt Popcorn is now packaged in individual self serving bags. So satisfying....very salty and it uses lime instead or butter!

Friday, February 13, 2009

What is TeensEatGreen?

Do you want to change the world? I am not a teenager (just a mom of teens)but I started a website run by teens for teens about a lifestyle called "eating green". On our site, nutritional and environmental knowledge and body image information is presented together as interconnected components of a fulfilling lifestyle.

Face it, we all share one planet and we need to be deliberate in our steps to take great care of it...do not get me started....take a look at the amount of garbage that we all create. I own a couple of college rental properties and even the college kids "forget" about the environment. After three years, in a complex of 120 apartment homes, when the big clean up day came, the property management team collected 10,000 lbs of garbage just laying around. We are drowning in garbage!

Well, I am looking for teens who care about what they put into their body and care about this world. You will be able to share your ideas about eating healthy and saving the planet. You will provide fun exciting recipes and food activities for your readers to engage in with their friends. Clue them in to easy ways to protect the environment. You can help build a site where you can reach out to other like minded people who share your passion for good healthy food, a healthy body image and a sustainable environment. Will you join me?

Where to start? We start at the point where we make most of our daily decisions-what we put in our mouth everyday. We need to understand that our daily food choices impact the environment and hopefully our understanding of these issues carries over to our circle of influence--our families and friends. Eating green means that not only are we "making healthy food decisions and exercising" but that our choices reflect our concern for environmental sustainability. Our food choices and purchase of food products should be the alternative that causes the least impact to the environment. It starts with not buying products with ridiculous and excessive packaging but there is so much more involved! Do you want to join me in this crusade? I am looking for regular contributors that we will call editors. You can will have a home on the web to post you thoughts and advice on "eating green" and provide a regular place for your readers to comment back. Start a conversation on the web (like talking about how "healthy" skin and hair is beautiful not waif like weight!) and maybe, we can make a difference. Teens talking to teens, learning to eat healthy and protect our planet!